Christopher Metropoulos
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The Emergency Management & Homeland Security Office is responsible for managing all aspects of disasters, including planning for major disasters which might affect the County and coordinating the recovery efforts following actual disasters and emergencies. The Michigan Emergency Management Act P.A. 390 of 1976 stipulates that each county shall appoint an emergency coordinator to be responsible for disaster preparedness. In Genesee County, the Emergency Management Manager is responsible for the day-to-day activities of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
Mitigation: Eliminate, reduce or prevent long-term risk to human life and property from natural and man-made hazards.
Emergency Preparedness: Advance planning for an emergency that develops operational capabilities and facilitates an effective response in the event an emergency occurs.
Emergency Response: Action taken immediately before, during, or directly after an emergency to save lives, minimize damage to property and enhance the effectiveness of recovery.
Recovery: Short-term activity to return vital life support systems to minimum operating standards and long-term activity designed to return life to normal or improved levels.
The Genesee County Emergency Management Division works closely with local first responder agencies, nonprofit disaster relief organizations, private and governmental agencies, the Michigan State Police Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, and FEMA regarding emergency planning, response, and recovery for communities within Genesee County.
If you have further questions about the Emergency Management Division and its function in the community, please do not hesitate to contact us at (810) 257-3064.

Disaster Preparedness
In case of an emergency, you'll need to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself, your family, and your property. Disaster can strike without warning requiring you to evacuate your neighborhood or in some cases confine you to your home. Preparing in advance by learning what hazards may affect your community and learning about how to deal with these hazards is an important part of emergency preparedness. Remember this is your responsibility!
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)
You can receive important lifesaving alerts on your phone no matter where you are – at home, at school, or at work. Alerts received at the right time can help keep you safe in an emergency. Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) send free text messages to WEA-enabled cell phones within the range of an imminent and dangerous local situation, severe weather event, or AMBER alert. They are sent by authorized government authorities through your mobile carrier. WEA warnings can be sent to your mobile device when you may be in harm's way, without the need to download an app or subscribe to a service. The WEA notification is designed to get your attention and notify you with a unique sound and vibration. When you receive an alert, take action and check local broadcasts for more information. You will even receive WEA notifications when you are visiting another city or outside of the area where your phone is registered. You do not need to register to receive WEA notifications. You will automatically receive alerts if you have a WEA-capable phone and your wireless carrier participates in the program. For more information on this topic visit: www.ready.gov/alerts.
See the Severe Weather tab to sign up for local alerts.
It is important to sit down prior to an emergency to plan for what everyone should do and where they should go. In general, families should plan for sheltering in their homes or evacuating their homes depending on the type of emergency. Please remember to take into consideration any family members that have special needs or pets that need to be cared for. Below are some links that offer great samples and guidance on items that need to be considered. Keep it simple. Remember to test your plan, in order to know what you have put together works, you need to test it.
Family and Individual Resources
Family Plan Template
Planning for family members with disabilities
Planning for our senior citizens
Planning for your pets
Disaster Planning with Kids! www.ready.gov/kids
Business Resources
Emergency Preparedness for Business
Pandemic Flu and Health related info go to Genesee County Health Dept.
Since a disaster or emergency can arrive at any time, you will need to have some items on hand to get you and your family through until the emergency is over. At times this task can be overwhelming and prevents individuals from successfully completing or even starting altogether. Like anything else, it is easier to do a few things at a time. Below is a recommended list of items one should consider. The website www.do1thing.com is a great source to keep you on task. Do1Thing breaks up the tasks so that over a period of time you can build up a great preparedness kit and shows you it's not something that needs to be done overnight.
Red Cross First Aid App for Smart Phones Info
American Red Cross
Local Red Cross
Michigan Prepares
Do 1 Thing
Michigan Homeland Security
National Homeland Security

Office of Genesee County Sheriff
1002 South Saginaw Street, Flint, MI 48502​
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: 810-257-3422
Administration: 810-257-3406
Inmate Information: 810-257-3426